Oral Communication MBA 1st Year Semester Short Question Answers Study Notes Material Sample papers Chapter – wise syllabus unit wise notes 3 mock papers for self assessment Solved practice papers.

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Q.1. What are the disadvantages of oral communication? (2011-12
Ans. The disadvantages of oral communication are as follows:
1. Oral communication is not possible when parties to communication are at distant places and no electronic means of communication is available.
2. Communication through the electronic devices may not be reliable because of the possibility of the breakdown in the transmission system.
3. Oral communication cannot serve as an authentic piece of record unless the conversation is audio or video recorded.
4. Oral communication may give rise to conflicts in certain situations because of immediate response from the listeners. Even if there is a slip of tongue by a person, the words once spoken can’t be taken black.
5. Oral communication may be ignored by the receiver of the message.
Q.2. Differentiate between oral and written communication.
Ans. The main points of difference between oral and written communication are as follows:
Difference between Oral and written Communication
S.No. | Basis of difference | Oral communication | Written communication |
1. | Type | It may not be precise. | It could be precise. |
2. | Expression | Communication is expressed through spoken words. | Here, communication is done through writing. |
3. | Complexity | Oral communication may not be complete. It may be difficult to understand it. | It is not difficult ot understand written communication if it is expressed in unambiguous terms. |
4. | Manner of handling | It may not be taken seriously. | It is generally taken seriously. |
5. | Nature | It is informal in nature. | It is generally formal in nature. |
6. | Verification | Oral message may not be verifiable. | Written message is verifiable from the record. |
7. | Message transfer | Messages can be quickly exchanged. | Transmission of message and response takes a lot of time |
Q.3. What are the techniques used in conversation control?
Ans. Conversation control uses the following techniques:
1. Eye Contact: A person who is in control and a person who’s the alpha is not afraid to look directly into someone’s eyes and command attention, so the first of the mind control tricks I want share with you is when you’re the one talking the more eye contact you make with a person, the more dominant they’ll perceive you to be
2. Voice Projection: And as well as the most important thing in all of this is your voice, the biggest predictor of how good
someone is going to be when they’re just starting out using mind control tricks is their voice, and it all comes down to the clarity and the volume in which they speak. So as an example, the next time you see two people having a conversation…. you can see who’s the more alpha just by taking the time to notice how they’re projecting their voice, nine times out of ten the most alpha person will be the one with the loudest and the clearest voice.
3. Verbal Leading: So as you work on these sub-communications, another one of the mind control tricks I have learnt is you also want to adopt the mindset of an alpha and the first thing that I can say anyone who is an alpha has in common is we assume people will follow our lead, so if I’m talking I’m leading the conversation, I’m the one who’s coming up with the interesting topics of conversation, or I’m the one with the funny story.
An example of verbal leading is just leading the conversation, so when you’re talking to people one on one or in group situations you are the one who is bringing up the interesting conversation topics, you are the one who is talking about the movie you just saw, you are the one who is telling the jokes or the funny stories and if you watch closely, this is exactly what the controller of a group always does.
Q.4. What are the two sides of effective oral communication?
Ans. The two sides of effective oral communication are reflection and empathy. Reflecting on someone’s statement needs to be done most carefully for which one must understand the underlying feeling exactly and accurately. Then he must speak in such a manner that the other person feels that you have indeed seen the issue from his/her point of view, this needs very skilful dramatisation of the initial statement. It involves the use of body language to support what words say.
The purpose of reflecting on something is to help the other person see his/her feelings and ideas with greater clarity and precision. The feelings expressed by the other person have to be repeated and are played back objectively without changing or adding or altering them in anyway. One should not criticise or question or add to what someone says. The body language should show the real interest in other person and he should speak as a person with genuine feeling of concern for the other person.
Q.5. What is meant by effective listening? What are its elements?
Ans. Effective Listening : The words ‘Effective listening is anything which affect or disturb listening the others feedback or answer, idea, thought or act. It is just like a misunderstanding in listening the word and understand wrongly whatever the speaker said.
Effective listening contains the following points:
1. Concentrate on what a person is saying rather than how he looks. Don’t be distracted by his
physical appearance or his mannerism.
2. Repeat the key ideas to yourself. Particularly, while listening to a long lecture see if you can repeat to yourself all the important ideas the speaker has put before you. This will also help you to understand the lecture better.
3. Try to relate the speaker’s remarks to your personal background and experience. This will also enable you to retain those remarks in your memory longer.
Process of Listening
The process of listening starts with receiving the message and ends with understanding and reacting to the message. It can be explained through the following diagram:
Elements of Effective Listening
Main elements of good listening are as follows:
1. Positive Attitude: Every person cannot be a good listener. For good and effective listening, positive attitude is required. If listener shows negative attitude, then the objective of listening is not fulfilled.
2. Ability of Concentrate: A good listener must have the ability to concentrate. Human mind has a wonderful quality of thinking and understanding in more than one direction simultaneously and therefore, concentration is required.
3. Enter into Question-Answer Session: When listener is loosing his concentration then it is better to start question-answer session. Listener asks questions and the speaker looks at him and gives answer. If the speaker keeps an eye on the listeners then to loose concentration is not easy and his mind cannot divert to other things.
4. Conductive Body Postures: Body language helps in communication while listening. While ‘sitting in chair and taking rest on the high back or to sit in the seat of the chair shows that the listener wants to keep away from the speaker.
Q.6. Enumerate some of the barriers of active listening.
Ans. Listening requires hardwork as it involves concentration. It takes energy to concentrate on listening about what is being said, to concentrate on understanding what has been heard and to make on objective evaluation about what has been understood. In practice, many listeners fail in a number of ways. The inefficient listeners may:
1. Criticise the speaker for the delivery. Instead of focusing on what the speaker is saying, his or her thought and feelings, they may focus on how he or she is saying it. In the process of trying to notice errors in accent, grammar, etc. they fail to listen.
2. Counter, constantly trying to find counter arguments to whatever the speaker is saying.
3. Listen only for facts and not for feelings and emotions and want to skip the details.
4. Get overstimulated when questioning or opposing an idea and overreacting to certain words and phrases.
5. Assume in advance that the subject is uninteresting and unimportant.
6. Withdraw attention, start day dreaming.
7. Distort by interpreting the message in ways which are different from the speakers intentions
8. Interrupt unnecessarily, discouraging and irritating the speaker.
Q.7. Explain the concept of non-verbal communication.
Ans. When people involve in face-to-face communication, they convey their messages through gestures, xpressions of body part such as movement of eyes and eyebrows, facial expressions, hand positions, body novements, pitch of voice all convey meaning which adds to or modifies the spoken words.
Non-verbal communication is the way in which we express our feelings, emotions, attitudes and views throughout the body movements to express our thoughts.
Q.8. What is verbal communication? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans. When words are used in the communication, we call it verbal communication. It is a way for people to communicate face-to-face.
MBA Study Material Notes
Advantages of Verbal Communication
1 Fasy Communication: Verbal communication is the easiest one as it saves time and the cost involved in decoding the ideas into the words. With the development of telephone facilities, two of
ons can exchange their messages orally at distant places.
2. Speed: There is not time lag be communication is especially valuable when time is limited.
3. Instant Feedback: There is instant feedback for the message transmitted. It allows the sender to revise the message and offering clarification to what has to do.
4. Confidentiality: Verbal communication does not create any records that can be seen.
Disadvantages of Verbal Communication
1. Time Consuming: The biggest communication drawback of personal contact is difficulty in arranging the communicators. Many times some irrelevant items enter in verbal communication which harness the effectiveness of communication.
2. Serious Deliberation is not possible: Serious thought is not possible on subject because the receiver has to take an immediate decision in response of communication received.
3. Lack of Authenticity: Verbal orders may not be taken seriously as compared to written orders. Due to this, verbal communication lacks authenticity.
4. Misunderstanding: Due to noise and poor expression the verbal message has more probability of getting distorted and misunderstood.
Q.9. Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication.(2006-07, 11-12)
Ans. Verbal Communication: The basis of communication is the interaction between people. Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components are sound, words, speaking and language. In verbal communication, message is conveyed through mouth and common medias are speeches, meetings, trainings, telephone, Internet, radio, television, etc. This communication is less effective and it is quite easy to understand the messages. It is also very easy to maintain secrecy in verbal communication.
Non-verbal Communication: It is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages between people. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch by body language or posture by facial expression and eye contact. Non-verbal messages could also be communicated through material exponential meaning, objects or artifacts. Speech contains non-verbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch, volume and speaking style. Much of the study of non-verbal communication is focused on face-toface interaction where it can be classified into three principal areas-environmental conditions where communication takes place, physical characteristics of the communicators and behaviours of communicators during interaction.