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Short Question Answer Study Material Notes MBA 1st Semester For Applications

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Short Question Answer Study Material Notes MBA 1st Semester For Applications
Short Question Answer Study Material Notes MBA 1st Semester For Applications

Section B


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Q.1. What is ERP? What are its needs? 

Or Explain ERP. What are its components? Also mention at least five merits and demerits of ERP.(2014-15, 15-16)

Ans. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): It is business management software which allo an organisation to use a system of integrated applications in order to manage the business. It technological backbone of e-business that covers the techniques and concepts which are emp the integrated management of businesses as a whole. ERP combines all the business requiremen an organisation together into a single, integrated software programs so that various depart share the information easily.

Needs of ERP: Needs of ERP systems include: 

1. Flexibility: Different languages, currencies, accounting 

standards can be covered in one system and functions can be managed and packaged automatically.

Business Integration: automatic data updation in ERP packages makes them integrated which is possible among the related business components.

3. Better Analysis and Planning Capabilities: It is possible to utilise many types of decision  support systems and simulation functions by enabling the management of business adn its data.

4. Use of Latest Technology: To be updated, it is necessary to embrace the latest developments in the field of IT and also in order to grow and to sustain that growth.

Merits and Demerits: Refer to Section-B, Q.3.

Components: ERP system uses multiple components of  computer software and hardware to achieve the integration of all data and processes of an organisation into a united system. A unified database is used to store data for the various system modules. The different components of ERP are: 

1. Strategic and operational planning used to plan the strategies and operations related to the organisation.

2. Manufacturing deals with the management of products manufacture. 

3. Materials management used to manage the resource materials. 

4. Human resources deal with the working capital and labor force. 

5. Finance component manage the finance for related business functions. 

6. Sales and distribution for sale orders and purchase orders. 

7. Maintenance management for taking care of maintenance.

8. Quality management for quality planning of the organisation. 

Q.2. What are the various elements of ERP architecture? 

Ans. The various elements of ERP architecture include:

1. GUI (Graphical User Interface): These are designed according to certain style guides in which interface model and design of windows menus, operating elements, etc. are considered.

2. RDBMS: They stores data and show the relations between the data in two-dimensional tables and hence are able to handle large volumes of data comfortably.

3. Operating Systems: They separate the users from application details, such as hardware and software used and hence take over the management of processes as well as resources.

4. Repository: It contains the whole set of metadata of a business which can be implemented across multiple hardware platforms and database management systems.

Q.3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to ERP? 

Ans. Advantages of ERP: The various advantages of ERP are:

1. ERP systems provide freedom to change manufacturing and planning methods with changing needs.

2. Cycle time can be reduced by the ERP systems.

3.  ERP systems help the organisation in improving the capacity and resource utilisation.

4. These systems improve the flexibility of the whole organisation.

5. ERP systems help in improving the accuracy of information and help in making better decisions. 

Disadvantages of an ERP: Disadvantages of and ERP System include:

1. There is a lot of time spent in implementation of an ERP system around three to five years. 

2. There is a difficulty in integrating with other systems because other systems need additional software to create links.

3.. Changes are implemented with difficulty. 

4. Implementing an ERP system is extremely challenging and requires tremendous resources. 

5. Selecting an ERP system involves not only choosing the best software product but right long-term business partner. 

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