Use Of Ms Office Word MBA 1st Year Semester Long Questions Answers Notes study Material Notes Unit Wise Chapter Wise Syllabus Study Notes Solved Case Studies for Practise Mock Papers for Self Assessment.

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Use Of Ms Office Word MBA 1st Year Semester Long Questions Answers Notes Page.1
Use Of Ms Office Word MBA 1st Year Semester Long Questions Answers Notes Page.2
Q.1 What is word processor? Explain about its features.
Or Discuss the salient features and utilities of MS-Word.
Ans. Word Processor : A word processor is a software that helps in typing, editing, storing and printing documents, In comparison to a typewriter, a word processor produces better looking documents in les time. In a word processor, there are various tools like spell checker, table designer. Auto correct, etc. that helps to prepre a document quickly. It helps to perform many jobs, such as letter drafting, preparing mailing lists, producing reports, etc. It is ideally suited for business environment.
Features and utilities of MS – Word
The features an utilities of MS-Word are as follows:
1. Word Wrapping: It is also known as word adjusting like typewriter in a word processor, you do not to press ‘Enter’ at the end of each line. A word processor automatically takes you to the text line depending on the width of line as decided and Accordingly the text also.
2. Adding or Deleting the Text: In a typewriter once au most impossible to add too many characters or words in any sentence. will also result in retyping the entire document, for the sake of good look. To retype any document is time consuming.
In a word processor, a text can be very easily inserted deleted very easily from the document. This does not lead to retype the whole document but results in automatic readjusting of the already entered text. It saves time as well as stationary.
3. Selecting Blocks of the Text: You can copy or move some or whole part of text from one place to another. But before this the desired text has to be selected. This selected text is generally called as a blocked text. You can also delete the whole blocked text on a single key stroke, similarly you can also change the size, font style or colour, etc. of the selected block.
4. Copying a Text: Once a block is selected, it can be copied from one part of the document to the another or to some other document, as many times you require. The original text remain present in earlier prace.
5. Moving a Text: To move a text means to copy the selected text to another place and hence from the original place. So there are two functions in a move operation, copying the text to a new place and removing it from the original place.
6. Searching and Replacing: You can search a text from the whole document in a fraction of time by using this facility, no matter how long the document is, similarly, if you want to change the searched text with some other text using the same facility, you can also do this, e.g. suppose, you find that you have misspelt, ‘Lucknow’ as Luckhnow in the entire document. Now, you can use a word processor to search through the entire document and replace the incorrect word with the correct one at all the places in a single key stroke.
7. Proof Reading: Checking and improving document is a very useful feature of a word processor. You can check the documents with the help of following tools:
(a) Grammar Check: With the help of spell and grammar check tool, you can check the grammar and errors can be rectified with the help of suggestions that are provided by the word processor.
(b) Spelling Check: With the help of spell and grammar check spelling, errors are located and can be rectified with the help of given suggestions.
(c) Thesaurus: Thesaurus adds variety to the document by suggesting alternative words and also suggest opposite meaning.
8. Character Formatting and Style: A word processor can change the design, style or size of the Tettore measily using different fonts, you can make the heading and important texts attractive and on turn dull and lifeless letters into a better looking and easy to read documents.
9. Page formatting: Headers (printed at the top of each page) and the Footers (printed at the bottom of each page) can be included easily in the document through a word processor The page numbering can be done automatically, if so desired.
10. Margin Settings and Columns: Margins, the distance between the it means that the margins of the document can be increased or decreased. paper can be adjusted. It means that the margins of the document can be Moreover, some word processing programs (like MS-Word) have the ability to split text into two or more columns.
Q.2. Assume you need to send a letter of ‘New year wishes to all of your friends and relatives. Which feature of Ms. Word you will use to avoid writing multiple letters? Write the steps for using this feature of MS-Word.
Or What is mail merge in MS-Word? Write the steps involved in creating mail merge. (2012-13)
Ans. Mail Merge: It is an application in MS Word for simplifying repetitive documents and to It can be used for creating many documents at a time which contain same type of layout, formato text, graphics, etc. Mail merge is mainly used for generating mailing labels, envelopes address li personalised training handouts, etc. It can be used to generate multiple e-mails and electronic for and also to create a friendly front end to spreadsheet or database information.
Whenever one needs to assemble similar type of data, mail merge is used. It primarily consists of files, i.e. Main document and data source. The main document contains the information that remains the same in every record and the data source contains all the variable information in the form of fields. This is that information which will change in the main document when the merge gets completed.When the main document and data source are merged, MS-Word replaces each merge field in the main document with the data from the respective field contained in the data source. The result is a document which is a combination of both main document and data source.
Steps in Creating Mail Merge: The steps in creating mail merge are as follows:
1. If you want to use your file as the merge document, open it.
2. Click Tools: Mail merge to start the mail merge helper.
3. Select the type of main document you want to create. If you select New document, word will create a blank document based on the normal template.
4. Click Get data to select your data source. There are four methods to use the data source:
(i) Create data source,
(ii) Open data source,
(iii) Use address book,
(iv) Header options.
5. Select Edit Main Document. Add all the text and insert the appropriate merge fields using the Insert Merge Field button on the Mail Merge toolbar.
6. You can preview your data prior to performing the merge by clicking the view merged data button on the Mail Merge toolbar.
7. You may need to filter the records, in order to merge only to a subset of your data source. For this, you can use Mail Merge Query options.
8. To perform the merge, select file Save all which save the mail merge main document, and if the data source is a word document, it will be saved too.
9. Perform the merge whose choices are:
(i) Merge to New document,
(ii) Merge to Printer,
(iii) Merge to E-mail,
(iv) Merge the Electronic Fax.
Mail merge feature is used to send a letter to friends and relatives where after selecting the document, you have to select the recipients by chosing a data source or creating a data source. Now, write a letter and add recipient’s information to the letter. The letters are previewed and to make additional changes, before printing, select ‘Edit’ individual letters. This will merge the letters to be edited into a New document.
Q.3. What are formulas and functions in MS-Excel?
Ans. Formula: Refer to Section-A,
Q.19. Formulas and Functions in MS-Excel
The formulas and functions in MS-Excel are as follows:
- Entering Formulas: To enter a formula in a worksheet cell, you should first type an equal sign (=) followed by element that may include values, operators, cell reference name of functions. Then press enter or click the Check button on the formula bar. Excel displays the results of the calculation on the cell and the entered formula on the formula bar. To switch between displaying the results or the formulas on the cells of a worksheet, press ‘Ctrl. This is useful for checking your formulas because Excel will produce a result as long as your formula is free of syntax errors. It’s upto you to make sure that you don’t have the right answer to the wrong formula.
- Operators: An operator is a sqymbol that performs an operation, such as a plus sign (+). The arithmetic operations for performing standard mathematical operations are (+) for addition, (_) for subtraction, * for multiplication,/ for division, ^ for exponetiation and () for grouping terms.
Use Of Ms Office Word MBA 1st Year Semester Long Questions Answers Notes
Formula | Result |
=10+6/2 | 13 |
910 + 6) /2 | 8 |
1 – 3 ^ 2 | -8 |
=(1 – 3) ^ 2 | 4 |
=1 + – 3 ^ | 10 |
=(1 + – 3) ^ 2 |
Order of opetations (do you remember 6thrade mahs)?
When a formula cdontains several operators, there is a pre-determined orer in which they will be performed.
() Parenthesis
^ Exponents
Or/; Multiplicaiton or Division-
+or-; Addition or Subraction
In addition to the standard math operators, Excel has % which divides a value by 100. Like the minus sign used to negative values, % takes precedence over the standard operators.